What Is A Spike In Pickleball?

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Pickleball is a strategic game. This strategy includes putting pressure on your opponents. You must develop an aggressive playing style to do this. There is one incredibly potent stroke you can make on a pickleball court, but that doesn’t imply you should drive or hurry up and hammer every shot.


In pickleball, the spike often termed a slam or smash, is referred to as an overhead. Similar to a dunk in basketball or a spike in volleyball, an overhead is executed by striking hard. The player throws the ball as far as they can, at a sharp downward angle, and back into the opposing team’s court.


You see, a pickleball spike requires some special techniques that not every player is familiar with. Take notice of our guide on all you need to know about pickleball spike hits if you want to master the game and play like a pro.


What Is The Purpose Of A Spike In Pickleball?


The purpose of a spike in pickleball is to hit the ball with a downward motion, causing it to land on the opposite side of the court in a difficult position for the opposing team to reach. This tactic is used to score points and gain an advantage over the other team. Spikes are often used in combination with other advanced shots, such as dinks and lobs, to create a more challenging and varied game. Spiking the ball can also be used as a defensive move, forcing the opposing team to work harder to return the ball and potentially making them more prone to errors.


What Are The Different Types Of Spikes In Pickleball?


There are several different types of spikes in pickleball:


1. The topspin spike: This is a shot that is hit with a lot of topspin, which causes it to dip down over the net and bounce high on the opponent’s side of the court.


2. The slice spike: This is a shot that is hit with a lot of side spin, which causes it to slice through the air and bounce off the side of the court.


3. The drive spike: This is a shot that is hit with a lot of power, which causes it to skid across the court and bounces hard on the opponent’s side of the court.


4. The drop spike: This is a shot that is hit with a lot of underspin, which causes it to dip down over the net and bounce low on the opponent’s side of the court.


5. The lob spike: This is a shot that is hit with a lot of backspin, which causes it to arc high over the net and bounces deep in the opponent’s court.


How To Do A Spike In Pickleball


To do a spike in pickleball, follow these steps:


  1. Position yourself at the front of the court, near the non-volley line.
  2. Wait for your opponent to hit a shot that is high and deep in your side of the court.
  3. Approach the ball and get ready to hit it as hard as you can.
  4. Hold your paddle in a “hammer” grip, with your thumb on top and your fingers wrapped around the handle.
  5. Bend your knees and crouch down slightly to lower your center of gravity. Swing your paddle up and over your shoulder, using a backhand stroke.
  6. Make contact with the ball as it is coming down toward the ground.
  7. Hit the ball with maximum power and aim for the opposite side of the court, just behind the non-volley line.
  8. Follow through with your swing and finish with your paddle pointed towards the ground.
  9. Keep your eyes on the ball and anticipate your opponent’s next shot.
  10. Remember to practice proper footwork and body positioning when executing a spike in pickleball. This will help you generate more power and control your shots.


How To Defend Against A Spike


To defend against a spike in pickleball, here are some tips:


  • Keep your feet and body in a balanced position, with your weight evenly distributed on both feet.
  • Watch the ball closely and anticipate the direction of the spike.
  • Move quickly to get in a position to defend the spike.
  • Use your non-dominant hand to reach for the ball and deflect it back to your opponent.
  • Stay low and use your whole body to absorb the impact of the ball.
  • If you are unable to deflect the ball, use your paddle to push the ball back up toward your opponent’s side of the court.
  • Don’t try to hit the ball too hard, as this may result in an error. Instead, focus on maintaining control and positioning.
  • Practice your defensive skills regularly, as this will help you become more comfortable and confident in your ability to defend against spikes.


What Is The Role Of A Spike In Advanced Pickleball?

A spike in advanced pickleball is a shot that is hit with extreme power and force, with the intention of ending the rally and scoring a point. It is typically executed by a player at the net, who uses their strong forehand or backhand to hit the ball down and into the opponent’s side of the court, with the goal of making it impossible for the opponents to return the shot.


In advanced pickleball, the spike is often used as a strategic weapon to throw off the opponents’ positioning and disrupt their game plan. It can also be used to surprise opponents and catch them off guard.


To execute a successful spike, a player must have good footwork, positioning, and hand-eye coordination, as well as the ability to generate power and spin on the ball. Spiking also requires a high level of physical fitness, as it requires quick movements and explosive power.


Overall, the role of the spike in advanced pickleball is to create pressure on the opponents and put them on the defensive, while also being a powerful scoring weapon that can end rallies quickly and decisively.




In conclusion, a spike in pickleball is a powerful shot that is hit with a downward motion towards the opponent’s side of the court. It is used to end a rally and score a point. A spike requires precise aim and strong wrist action to execute effectively. While it can be a useful tactic for experienced players, it can also be difficult for beginners to master. Overall, the spike is an important skill to have in pickleball and can greatly enhance a player’s strategy and competitiveness in the game.

Lewis Torres

Lewis Torres

"I live and breath Pickleball"

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