Pickleball Singles Strategies

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Pickleball is a fun and exciting sport that has gained immense popularity in recent years. It’s a perfect activity for people of all ages and skill levels, and can be played both indoors and outdoors. While doubles is the most common form of pickleball, singles pickleball is gaining more traction and is becoming increasingly popular. In singles pickleball, each player plays on their own, which requires a different set of strategies than doubles. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, understanding the various strategies for playing singles pickleball can help you improve your game and increase your chances of winning. In this article, we will explore some of the different strategies for playing singles pickleball and how you can incorporate them into your gameplay to up your game.


Serve and Volley

One classic strategy in singles pickleball is the serve and volley. This involves serving the ball and then immediately charging the net to put pressure on your opponent. The goal is to hit a winner or force your opponent to hit a weak shot that you can put away.

To execute this strategy effectively, you need to have a strong serve and good footwork. You should also be comfortable at the net and have good reflexes to handle any shots that come back at you.


Play the Baseline

Another strategy in singles pickleball is to stay back at the baseline and let your opponent come to you. This is a defensive strategy that can be effective if you are comfortable playing from the back of the court.

The goal is to make your opponent hit a lot of balls and force them to take risks. If you can keep the ball in play and make your opponent go for too much, they will likely make mistakes and give you easy points.


Attack the Backhand

Many players have a weaker backhand shot, so a strategy in singles pickleball is to attack this side of the court. If you can hit hard shots to your opponent’s backhand, they may struggle to return the ball effectively and give you opportunities to win the point.

To execute this strategy, you need to be able to hit accurate shots to your opponent’s backhand and have good footwork to move around the court.


Use Lobs

A lob shot is when you hit the ball high in the air to force your opponent to move back to the baseline. This can be an effective strategy in singles pickleball if your opponent is playing too aggressively or charging the net too often.

To execute this strategy, you need to be able to hit high, accurate shots and have good judgment to know when to use a lob.


Stay in Control

In singles pickleball, it’s important to stay in control of the point and not make mistakes. This means being patient and not going for too much too soon.

A good strategy is to hit the ball deep and force your opponent to move around the court. This will tire them out and make them more likely to make errors.


Adapt to Your Opponent

Finally, a key strategy in singles pickleball is to adapt to your opponent’s style of play. If they are playing aggressively, you may need to stay back at the baseline and play defensively. If they are playing passively, you may need to be more aggressive and attack the net.

To be successful in singles pickleball, you need to be able to adjust your game plan depending on your opponent’s strengths and weaknesses.



In conclusion, playing singles pickleball can be an enjoyable and challenging experience for players of all skill levels. There are several strategies that players can employ to improve their game and outmaneuver their opponents. These strategies include focusing on court positioning, mastering the serve, and being aware of the opponent’s weaknesses.

One key strategy for success in singles pickleball is to maintain proper court positioning. This means staying close to the baseline to cover the entire court and being prepared to move quickly to return shots. Additionally, mastering the serve can be a game-changer, as a strong serve can put pressure on the opponent and set the tone for the rest of the match.

Another important factor in singles pickleball is being aware of the opponent’s weaknesses. This can help players target specific areas of the court and exploit their opponent’s vulnerabilities. Additionally, it is essential to stay mentally focused and remain patient, as singles pickleball can be a game of endurance and persistence.

Ultimately, playing singles pickleball requires a combination of skill, strategy, and mental toughness. By employing the right tactics and staying focused on the game, players can improve their chances of success and enjoy the challenge of this exciting sport. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, singles pickleball offers endless opportunities for growth and improvement, making it a great choice for anyone looking to challenge themselves on the court.

Lewis Torres

Lewis Torres

"I live and breath Pickleball"

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