How To Play Pickleball

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Pickleball is a quick-moving sport that incorporates aspects of ping-pong, badminton, and tennis. Because it is so simple to learn and play and doesn’t require a lot of equipment, paddleboard sports are very popular. Paddles, a pickleball, and a pickleball court are all that is required. Learn the court’s layout whether you’re playing singles or doubles, and abide by a few basic rules for a thrilling back-and-forth match!


  1. An underhand serve is delivered from outside the court’s perimeter on one side to begin each round. You serve the ball diagonally across the court, just like in tennis.
  2. The ball must bounce once on either side after being served. Then you’re free to hit it out of the air or give it one bounce.
  3. In the non-volley zone, sometimes known as the “kitchen,” which is located on either side of the net, players are not permitted to volley the ball. Additionally, serves cannot land in this area.
  4. When the opposing team makes a mistake or commits a “fault,” such as striking the ball out of bounds, players receive points. Only the team that is serving may score a point.
  5. The team that scores 11 points first, with a lead of at least 2, typically prevails. Games played in tournaments may end with a higher score; casual games can end with a lower score so that more players can participate.


What Are The Rules Of Pickleball?

  • Without bouncing off the court, the ball is served underhanded and diagonally to the opponent’s serving court.
  • Only the serving side may score points, and this happens when the opposition commits an error (fails to return the ball, hits the ball out of bounds or into the net, etc.)
  • Until the serving side commits a fault, the server keeps serving while switching service courts.
  • The winning team is the one with the first 11 points and a lead of at least two points.
  • You must prevail by two points.
  • Each side must execute at least one groundstroke after the serve before volleying the ball (hitting it before it has bounced)
  • The non-volley zone, commonly referred to as the kitchen, is a space where players are not permitted to volley the ball.


How To Play Pickleball Singles?

While singles pickleball and doubles pickleball have many similarities, singles pickleball has a significantly separate set of rules with a single player on either side of the court.

The majority of pickleball players undoubtedly have mixed feelings about playing singles pickleball. This might be the effect of how demanding and long singles pickleball can be. Due to the fact that you must cover the full pickleball court by yourself, singles pickleball can be quite the exercise (even more so than doubles pickleball). It might also be related to how lonely singles pickleball can be when you’re the only player on your side of the court. You lack a partner, in other words, who you could lean on or who could pick you up.

  • On the pickleball court, the initial service will always begin on the even/right side. The server will hold the serve and transition to serving on the other side of the pickleball court if the server prevails in the point.
  • Until the opponent wins the rally or the server makes a mistake, the server will always serve crosscourt or diagonally. There will be a side out and the opponent will now serve if the opponent wins the rally or the server makes a mistake.
  • The serve must come from the even/right-hand side of the pickleball court and be delivered to the receiver’s even/right-hand side of the pickleball court if the server’s score is even (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, etc.).
  • The serve must come from the odd/left-hand side of the pickleball court and be delivered to the odd/left-hand side of the pickleball court of the receiver if the server’s score is odd (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, etc.).

In singles pickleball, if the server is found to be in the incorrect position, a mistake has occurred, and the server loses the rally. A problem can be reported at the moment the serve makes contact or until the next service is delivered. The server will lose the rally and receive no points if a fault is called before the next serve. However, all previously granted points will stand, regardless of whether the players were in the right or wrong places.

Additionally, the point given to the server will stand if the fault is reported after the succeeding serve. If a fault occurs during the final point of a pickleball game, the outcome will remain unless the fault is called before the scorecard is given back to the staff members in charge of running the tournament.


How To Play Pickleball Doubles?

  • Every service must be delivered underhand, with the ball being touched below the waist.
  • The opposite diagonal service area must be used for all servings. A mistake will result if you don’t do it.
  • There can be just one serve attempt per player.
  • Only one player from the initial serving team gets a turn serving to start the game. Before passing the ball to their rivals for the remainder of the game, each player will get a turn serving.
  • Until they lose a point, the server will keep switching which side of the court they serve from.
  • In pickleball, the receiving team never switches sides.
  • The opening shot in a rally must be played off the bounce by both sides.
  • Until the ball has landed on their side of the court, no player is permitted in The Kitchen or the Non-Volley Zone. This includes a player coming to rest in the vicinity after a volley.
  • On the same side of the court, just one bounce is allowed. The team that makes the shot wins the point after two bounces.
  • No rally scoring. Only the serving team is eligible to score.
  • When tallying the results, use the formula: [Serving Team’s Score – Receiving Team’s Score – Service Turn]
  • The best of 3 games is the format for matches. All games are 11-point affairs; the winning margin is two.



The fastest-growing sport in the country is pickleball. The sport incorporates aspects of badminton, ping-pong, and tennis. The game’s rules are straightforward, and it’s simple for new players to pick up, but for seasoned players, it can quickly turn into a brisk, competitive, fast-paced game.

Lewis Torres

Lewis Torres

"I live and breath Pickleball"

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