How To Perform Effective Lob Serve In Pickleball

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If you’re an avid pickleball player, then you know the importance of a good pickleball serve. Lob serve is an essential part of the game that can help you earn points, stay on the offensive, and keep your opponents on their toes. But, how do you perform an effective lob serve in pickleball?

In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of the lob serve. From the basics of how to execute the perfect lob serve to advanced tips and tricks, this guide will help you master this essential pickleball shot.

Let’s dive in!


What is a Lob Serve in Pickleball?

Before we jump into how to execute a lob serve, it’s important to understand what a lob serve is and when it’s best used.

A lob serve in pickleball is a shot that is hit high in the air and lands deep in the opponent’s court. This type of serve is helpful when your opponent is standing too close to the net and you need to keep them on their toes.

The lob serve can also be used to set up a defensive position in the court, allowing you more time to get into position and prepare for your opponent’s shot.


What are the Fundamentals of a Good Lob Serve?

Now that we know what a lob serve is, it’s time to discuss the fundamentals of a good lob serve. These include:

1. Start with the right grip: For a lob serve, it’s best to use a continental grip, which is the same grip used for a volley in pickleball. This grip provides the necessary control and power to execute a successful lob serve.

2. Keep the ball low: Before you serve, make sure the ball is low to the ground. This will allow you to hit the ball upwards and create the necessary lift for the lob serve.

3. Use your legs: When you’re ready to serve, use your legs to generate power and lift. Bend your knees and use your legs to push up and hit the ball.

4. Follow through: After you hit the ball, make sure to follow through with your swing. This will give you the necessary power and control to execute a successful lob serve.


What are Tips for a Successful Lob Serve?

Now that you understand the fundamental of a good lob serve, it’s time to look at a few tips to help you execute a successful lob serve.

1. Mix up your serve: Don’t rely solely on the lob serve. Mix up your serves to keep your opponent guessing and prevent them from becoming too comfortable with your shots.

2. Practice your aim: When practicing your lob serve, focus on your aim. Aim for the back corner of your opponent’s court to create a difficult shot for them to return.

3. Vary your speed: Don’t always hit the lob serve at the same speed. Varying the speed will keep your opponent off balance and prevent them from anticipating your shots.

4. Use spin: Adding spin to your lob serve can help you create more movement in the ball and make it more difficult for your opponent to return.


What are Some Common Mistakes to Avoid When Serving?

As with any aspect of pickleball, there are some common mistakes to avoid when serving. These include:

1. Serving too high: If you hit the ball too high, it will be easy for your opponent to return the shot. Try to keep the ball low and create the necessary lift with your swing.

2. Not following through: Failing to follow through with your shot will result in a weak and inaccurate serve. Make sure to follow through with your swing to generate the necessary power and control.

3. Not mixing up your serve: If you rely solely on the lob serve, your opponent will quickly catch on and be able to anticipate your shots. Mix up your serves to keep your opponent guessing.


What are Advanced Techniques for a Lob Serve?

Once you’ve mastered the basics of a good lob serve, there are many advanced techniques you can add to your game. These include:

1. Using the wind: If you’re playing in a windy environment, you can use the wind to your advantage by hitting a lob serve that will be carried by the wind and land deep in your opponent’s court.

2. Hitting cross court: Instead of hitting the ball straight, try hitting it cross court for a unique and unexpected lob serve.

3. Vary your toss: Changing the height and placement of your toss can help you create different types of lob serves and keep your opponent off balance.



The lob serve is an important shot in pickleball that can help you stay on the offensive, earn points, and keep your opponents on their toes. By mastering the fundamentals of a good lob serve, avoiding common mistakes, and incorporating advanced techniques, you can become a formidable force on the pickleball court. Practice regularly, mix up your serves, and don’t be afraid to experiment with new techniques to keep your opponents guessing and elevate your game.

Lewis Torres

Lewis Torres

"I live and breath Pickleball"

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