Differences Between Pickleball And Tennis

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Pickleball and tennis are both popular racquet sports that are enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. Both sports involve hitting a small, lightweight ball over a net and into a designated area, but there are several key differences between the two. 


In this article, we will explore the differences between pickleball and tennis, including the size of the court, the size of the racquet and ball, and the scoring system. Whether you’re a seasoned tennis player looking to try something new or a pickleball enthusiast looking to compare the two sports, this article will provide valuable insights and information.


The Court Size And Layout


Pickleball and tennis are both racquet sports that are played on a court, but there are some key differences between the two in terms of court size and layout.


Court size:


  • Pickleball courts are smaller than tennis courts. The standard pickleball court measures 20 feet wide by 44 feet long, while a standard tennis court measures 78 feet long by 36 feet wide.
  • This smaller court size in pickleball allows for a faster-paced game, as players have less ground to cover.


Court layout:


  • Pickleball courts have a non-volley zone, also known as the kitchen, which is the area within 7 feet of the net on both sides. Players are not allowed to hit volleys within this zone.
  • Tennis courts do not have a non-volley zone, allowing players to hit volleys from anywhere on the court.
  • Additionally, pickleball courts have a centerline dividing the court in half, whereas tennis courts do not have this feature.
  • Overall, while both sports are played on a court with a net, the smaller size and unique layout of the pickleball court create a different playing experience compared to tennis.



Pickleball and Tennis are both popular sports that are enjoyed by people of all ages. While they have some similarities, there are also some significant differences between the two sports. One of the main differences is the equipment used in each game.


Pickleball Equipment:


  • Paddle: Pickleball paddles are typically smaller and lighter than tennis racquets. They are also made of different materials, such as wood, graphite, or composite.


  • Ball: Pickleball balls are typically made of plastic or rubber and are larger and softer than tennis balls. They also have a lower bounce, making them easier to control.


  • Net: The net used in pickleball is typically shorter than a tennis net and is suspended at a lower height.


  • Court: Pickleball courts are typically smaller than tennis courts, and the lines are closer together.


Tennis Equipment:


  • Racquet: Tennis racquets are typically larger and heavier than pickleball paddles. They are also made of different materials, such as graphite, titanium, or carbon fiber.


  • Ball: Tennis balls are typically made of rubber and are smaller and harder than pickleball balls. They also have a higher bounce, making them more challenging to control.


  • Net: The net used in tennis is typically taller than a pickleball net and is suspended at a higher height.


  • Court: Tennis courts are typically larger than pickleball courts, and the lines are farther apart.


Overall, the main difference between Pickleball and Tennis is the equipment used in each game. While both sports require a racket, a net, and a ball, they are different in terms of size, weight, and materials used. Additionally, the court dimensions also vary between the two sports.


Scoring And Rules

Pickleball and tennis are both popular racket sports that are played on a court, but they have some distinct differences in terms of scoring and rules.




  • Pickleball: The first team or player to reach 11 points wins the game, with a minimum 2-point lead required.
  • Tennis: The first player or team to reach 4 points wins the game, with a minimum 2-point lead required.




  • Pickleball: Players must use a paddle to hit the ball, which is made of perforated plastic.

The ball must be served underhand and must be hit diagonally across the court. The ball can only be played once before it goes out of bounds.


  • Tennis: Players use a racket to hit the ball, which is made of rubber. The ball can be served with an overhand or underhand motion and can be hit anywhere on the court. The ball can be played multiple times before it goes out of bounds.


  • Pickleball: The court is smaller than a tennis court and the net is lower.


  • Tennis: The court is larger than a pickleball court and the net is higher.



In conclusion, pickleball and tennis are two distinct sports that have many similarities and differences. Both sports involve a racket and a ball, and both require players to hit the ball over a net. However, the main differences between the two sports include the size of the court, the size and weight of the ball, the size of the racket, and the scoring system. Pickleball is typically played on a smaller court with a lighter ball and a smaller racket, and the scoring system is different from tennis. 


Additionally, pickleball is considered a less physically demanding sport than tennis and is often played by older adults or those who are looking for a more relaxed, recreational experience. Ultimately, the choice between pickleball and tennis will depend on personal preference and the goals of the individual player.

Lewis Torres

Lewis Torres

"I live and breath Pickleball"

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